Woman Critically Injured By Roller Coaster Ride At Melbourne Royal Show

“No one has fallen from the ride”

Article heading image for Woman Critically Injured By Roller Coaster Ride At Melbourne Royal Show

Natan Sanders/ABC News

A young woman has ­suffered critical ­facial injuries at the Melbourne Royal Show.

The 26-year-old woman was injured as she reportedly stepped on to the tracks of the Rebel Coaster ride about 5:45pm on Sunday to retrieve a dropped mobile phone, a spokeswoman said.

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Show-goers on the ride were suspended mid-air as paramedics treated the woman before transferring her to hospital in a critical condition.

A statement released by the Melbourne Royal show said: “there was a reported injury on the Rebel Coaster ride.”

“…we can confirm that no one has fallen from the ride.”

- Royal Melbourne Show

A former employee of the Royal Melbourne Show told the Herald Sun she had seen the ride come to an abrupt stop.

“The Rebel Coaster had been stopped for a short while on Friday and there were still people in it,” she said.

“It was stopped midway through the ride and there were officials attending to it, like something had happened to the mechanisms or something.

“It was up and running again within a few minutes, but I think maybe something had been wrong with it,” she said.

The ride will be closed for the foreseeable future as the investigation continues.


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25 September 2022

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