This Is How Long You Should Actually Keep Your Make-Up For

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Image Credit: Deciem. 


We’re all guilty of using a makeup sponge or two for longer than we are really supposed to… 

But how long are we actually supposed to keep using all our beauty products, until we should be throwing them away?!


Well, your questions are about to be answered. 

According to, who investigated the expiry dates of your fave products, there’s a guideline we can follow for how long to keep our makeup - and the reasons why you shouldn’t keep them for any time past those dates!

"So many people don't know the true expiration date of their makeup. I'm sure most of us will admit to not checking regularly and having much loved items lurking in your makeup bag for years,” revealed Joanne Dodds from

"But, makeup products do not last forever, and creamy products especially, only have a shelf life of around six months."

Out of date products are known to cause irritation and infection, so read up and keep safe!


Mascara is one of the products that comes into close contact with our eyes, so making sure you don’t keep it for too long is vital so there’s no chance of bacteria spreading and causing infections. 

For the most part, you shouldn’t keep using the same mascara for longer than 4-6 months. 

Makeup Sponges

You should ALWAYS make sure you wash your sponge after using it!

In terms of when to throw it away, give it 1 month tops.

And if it starts to show signs of damage, like breaking apart, toss it in the bin and get a new one. 

And remember - never add water to your mascara or mascara tubes!


If it’s liquid liner, throw it after to 6 months. 

But normal eyeliner, if kept tightly sealed by the cap being on, then it can last for 6-12 months.

But if you’ve had an eye infection, toss it so there’s no chance of getting it again. 

Cream Eye Shadow / Blush

6 months is generally the maximum time to keep your cream products. 

Bacteria thrives on moisture, so be sure there’s no mould or separation through your product, or a funny smell. 


The water, oils and hydrating agents in foundation mean they’ll last for 6-12 months. 

Powders, however, can last up to two years!

We’re not sure how anyone could make one bottle last for that long, but you never know…

Always ensure you read the expiry date, though, as some will expire sooner than these limits. 

Nail Polish

Keep the lid secure and it won’t dry out so fast, but stick by the rule of only keeping polishes for a year. 


12-18 months is the optimum time to keep your concealer, but if it has discoloured or changed in texture then toss it - otherwise it will make your spots worse and won’t blend well. 

Lip Gloss

One year MAX. 


Your lipstick should be safe to use and still look fine for 18 months - 2 years of use. 

Wipe them from time to time to remove top layers with any bacteria growth.

Eye Shadow / Powder / Blush / Bronzer

These products can also be kept for 18 months - 2 years

If you lightly clean the product and avoid exposing it to a lot of air, then it should be a-okay!

Of course, if the lid is broken or it smells funny, it’s best to get some new product. 


These can be kept for the longest time frame, obviously: 8-10 years!!

But they cam last longer if you store them right. 

Keep them away from heat and strong lights, and make sure the lid is always on properly!

Hayley Mitchelhill-Miller

11 June 2017

Article by:

Hayley Mitchelhill-Miller

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