‘The Craft’ Actress Rachel True Is An Actual Tarot Card Reader Now!

You can go see her!

Article heading image for ‘The Craft’ Actress Rachel True Is An Actual Tarot Card Reader Now!

Image: Columbia Pictures

We don’t want to alarm anyone, but Rachel True, known for her role as Rochelle in the ‘90s teen classic The Craft, is magical in real life.

Imagine having one of The Craft chatacters give you a tarot card reading, because that’s a thing you can do now!

If you visit Echo Park’s House of Intuition in Los Angeles, you can sit opposite Rachel as she uses her natural intuition to supposedly give you insight into your past, present or future!

Speaking with LA Weekly, Rachel explained, "The (tarot) cards... help me articulate the situation; and then I use my intuition to kind of springboard off of that.”

Rachel apparently always had this gift and embraced it at a young age.

"Instead of kind of feeling sorry for myself or fighting against it, I just jumped into my tarot studies and kept notebooks and really got to know the cards, and the combinations and things like that."

She also spoke about her determination to be cast in The Craft when she first heard about the role.

"If anyone is going to be a little black witch in this town: It's me! It's me!" she recalled.

As for her thoughts on The Craft remake, she says she’s all for it, however, would be even more psyched to see what the characters would be doing now as adults.

“Imagine seeing Fairuza [Balk]’s character as an adult — f***ing fascinating. But that’s also because I am my age.”

We're geeking out hard over this one and will definitely be adding this experience to our L.A. bucket list!

Zoe P

26 May 2017

Article by:

Zoe P

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