Don’t Freak Out, But You’ve Been Cooking Sausages WRONG


Article heading image for Don’t Freak Out, But You’ve Been Cooking Sausages WRONG

Image Credit: Columbia Pictures.

We don’t mean to alarm anyone, especially when we’ve got our huge Easter feasts to prepare for, but apparently all Australians have been cooking sausages the wrong way. 

Cue the outrage… 


According to a chef from the UK, Aussies are not cooking their sausages the right way and, as you would expect, Australians are not happy. 

Most of us chuck a snag on the barbey and wait ’til it’s char-grilled to perfection. 

However, The Why Chef (Martin King) has told us that we should not be using our beloved BBG, and instead doing the following:

  1. "Place a frying pan over a low heat. 
  2. Add a knob of unsalted butter. 
  3. Add sausages. 
  4. Fry for 30 minutes, turning occasionally. 
  5. Serve. "

This method apparently ensures the sausages are nice and tender, and will render the fat. 

In his blog, Martin explains, “So cooking them for a long time at a low heat is going to cook them through sufficiently, allow for the fat to render and caramelise in the pan, and with no worry that they’re going to turn into boot leather.

"Salted butter adds salt crystals to the pan and sausage which isn’t really welcome, so do try and use unsalted."

Martin also states that barbecue cooking is the “prime route to a bad sausage.”

OBVIOUSLY Martin has not tasted the snags WE COOK. 

Sorry, Martin, we don’t think we could ever let go of our BBQs…

Hayley Mitchelhill-Miller

31 March 2017

Article by:

Hayley Mitchelhill-Miller

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