Collingwood Supporters Have Started A Petition To Overturn The Grand Final Result

The Magpies are swooping!

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UPDATE: Nathan Buckley has personally asked the creators of the petition to take it down in respect for the West Coast Eagles players and staff...


This past Saturday was an intense day for the AFL with the West Coast Eagles and Collingwood Magpies performing their best in the 2018 AFL Grand Final.

Although Collingwood had a steady lead in the first half, the second half saw West Coast swoop in and take over the lead to eventually take home the premiership by only five points.

Overall, Collingwood fans took the loss pretty well, however, a small handful have taken to the internet to urge the AFL to overturn some of the referee calls during Saturday's game and, by extension, overturn the Grand Final result.

One upset Collingwood fan has created a petition to overturn the game's results on and thus far, it's received 3,850 signatures, but that number continues to grow every minute.

There are three specific moments of the Grand Final that creator Rod Craven wants reviewed by the AFL.

First, the Eagles’ first goal of the game which, Rod claims, that "the video replay judgement of the goal given to West Coast in the first qtr clearly showed that the ball was touched as it crossed the line, not by the boot of the WCE player but came off another part of his body and was clearly a behind. The resultant score should then have read 1.3 instead of 2.2."

Secondly, he says that "the video replay of a Collingwood behind at the same end in the last qtr clearly showed that no WCE player had deflected the flight of the ball, then the result should have been declared as a Collingwood goal. The resultant score would then be 12.7 instead of 11.8."

Finally, Rod says that "the illegal blocking shepherd on Brayden Maynard with 2 minutes to play should have been paid as a free kick to Maynard as it was considered an act of interference which allowed the West Coast player to goal. The decision should have then allowed Maynard possession to clear the ball and in so doing the goal to West Coast would not have eventuated, giving them a final score of 11.8 for the game."

He continues to explain that "there were numerous other decisions which affected the game including the whack to the ribs by Ryan of WCE on Maynard which was missed by the umpire standing 3 metres from the incident. Maynard should have received a free kick with a subsequent report for striking being given to Ryan.

"We as Collingwood supporters, as well as most of the general public feel that a grand final should be allowed to be won on merit, and not be awarded as the result of poor umpiring and biases toward clubs and particular players held by the governing body. We DEMAND that the decisions made on Saturday the 29th Sept be overhauled and reviewed in their entirety, and that either the result reversed, or the game declared a no-result and replayed in its entirety at a future date. 

"Failure to act on this will effect in a vote of no confidence in the AFL administration, the umpiring panel, and the competition in general."

You can take a look at the petition here.


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