Check Out Our Top Five Home Design trends For 2020

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It's been a very different year this 2020, with many Australian’s spending much more time living indoors rather than outdoors. However, loosing our famous Gold Coast tan wasn’t always a bummer - because if you are anything like us, it certainly helped our wallets staying at home!

Since around March of this year, household savings have reportedly gone up, meaning many of us used this time in lockdown to save our pennies. To put towards those home renovations or a new dream family home! (I bet a few of us even have hand drawn plans and designs, considering the time we had to draw these!)

If you've already starting looking into your first home or those renovations you've been putting off for far too long, you'll notice that we are absolutely spoilt for choice in regards to popular house trends.

To help you get started or if you are just looking for some design inspo -  check out our favourite trends from 2020 and trends we love and expect to see throughout 2021! Enjoy!

1. Hidden cabinets

We love this design trend that is becoming more popular with many first home builders, and home renovators. Hiding your dishwasher, microwave and any other kitchen appliance you want in secret cabinets has become a definite trend. This cabinetry design feature provides homeowners with a modern, minimalistic & clean look to their kitchen, not to mention a whole lot more bench space! It makes your kitchen appear free of clutter while also serving a purpose for additional preparation space and conveniently tucking away equipment when it's not in use. 

2. Earthy tones

Even with being forced to live under a rock; well indoors for most of the year – we are assuming you would have noticed more earthy tones & nature inspired designs being implemented into residential building. These colours have extended not only into exterior & interior renovations but also furniture. Some furniture ideas we are falling in love with are stone or marble dining tables, beige/golden throws and natural sanded & polished wooden breakfast bars.

3. Curves

You might not have seen a lot of this yet, but this trend is expected to make a comeback in 2021. According to home beautiful, architects are beginning to incorporate curves into their designs which apparently adds "...a feminine touch" and creates "...softness in spaces otherwise filled with hard surfaces".  According to the teachings of Feng Shui, round or circular décor can bring a positive energy flow of clarity, preciseness & freshness.

4. Wall Panelling 

Wall Panelling has been popular with many home owners/renovators for some time now, but really made an impact on Australian homes though the end of 2019 and all the way through 2020. The look is sleek & timeless and can be incorporated nearly anywhere inside or outside. Another great feature is that it can be coloured nearly any colour you want! 

5. Terrazzo


Terrazzo is technically pretty old school, introduced by the Italians around 500 years ago. The look was wildly popular back in the 70's but has made one hell of a comeback this year, giving brand new homes an eye-catching, modern-retro twist. Not only does it look & feel amazing – Terrazzo is regarded as one of the most sustainable and enviro-friendly materials. It is typically made from a mixture of recycled glass and natural aggregates such as marble, granite or quartz, which is then bound together by either a resin or concrete base. A final polish and you get that unique speckled look we all know. What a winner!

If you're one of the lucky few ready to start building your dream home, I hope you've been taking notes because now's your opportunity to get ahead of the rest and become the ultimate real estate trendsetter!

For more unique designs and renovation inspiration, follow the link through to Brookmoore Homes

3 December 2020

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