Cass & Bodge Throw Their Support Behind #Osher4Gold

Osher was delighted to hear it!

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Osher Gunsberg

It's time for Osher Gunsberg to take home a Gold Logie.

There have been numerous petitions online, as well as physical leaflets all around Sydney and Melbourne, promoting #Osher4Gold.

Cass and Bodge decided they wanted to throw their support behind Osher this year!

Cass also asked Osh if he'd do a special hair flick if he wins gold...

You can join Osher Günsberg for an intimate evening packed full of raw honesty, genuine emotion and plenty of laughs as he unveils the stories in his best selling memoir Back, After the Break. Tickets are available here.

Mid North Coast Newsroom

2 April 2019

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Mid North Coast Newsroom

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